“Adapting forests to climate change” European symposium

22 boulevard Maréchal Alphonse Juin

“Adapting forests to climate change: methods, tools, and projects” European symposium

Affiche du symposium européen « Adaptation des forêts aux changements climatiques » du projet LIFE FORECCAsT


The LIFE FORECCAsT project (LIFE15 CCA/FR/000021) is pleased to invite you to the “Adapting forests to climate change: methods, tools, and projects” European symposium.


This symposium, free of charge and open to everyone, will feature a wide range of talks, discussions and networking opportunities with European experts in the field of forest adaptation to climate change.


Program :

It will be held in Toulouse, France, from 19-20 November 2019.

* The first day will focus on oral and poster presentations

* The second day will be dedicated to (optional) field visits to experimentation sites in the nearby Haut-Languedoc nature regional Park, as well as innovative field tools demonstration.

  • How to register :

    Symposium registration deadline is November 1, 2019

  • There are no registration fees and attendance is open to all professionals; however, as space is limited, all attendees must register in advance to participate in this event (access will be granted on a “first come, first served” basis). Please contact us as soon as possible in case of cancellation. 


    >> For more information :

  • - please contact the LIFE FORECCAsT project team by mail : coord-foreccast@parc-haut-languedoc.fr
    - or visit our website : https://forest-climate-change-symposium.eu

Special Thanks : This symposium is made possible thanks to the support of our partners, the Parc naturel régional du Haut-Languedoc, the LIFE Programme, La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, the Hérault department, the Département du Tarn, the #CNPF and ALLIANCE Forêts Bois.

Localisation de l’événement :

22 boulevard Maréchal Alphonse Juin